Today, we have a 2007 Toyota Tacoma getting our Quad two-way v5 system. Sometimes our clients are concerned that their vehicle might not qualify for a remote start. The reason is because they see so many of the newer vehicles on our website. True, not all cars do qualify, but most do.
Tom, a Millcreek resident, wanted the perfect gift for his son’s 2007 Toyota Tacoma. His son parks the truck out in the driveway overnight. So, Tom decided a remote car start would be perfect for making his son’s mornings a little easier. He stopped by the store and spoke with Doug Reichert. Doug showed Tom all of the options. Tom also told Doug that the truck had a power lock switch, but did not come with any Toyota remotes. So, his son had to put the key in the door to open it.
Doug showed Tom our “all in one” remote starts. These remotes have lock, unlock, trunk and start functions all in one remote. Doug explained that the new remotes can “do it all”! Because of that, Tom could kill two birds with one stone! Keyless entry and remote start with the new remotes!
Half Mile range remote start selected
Tom selected our Quad two-way, which is only $90 more than the entry-level remote start with all-in-one capability. The Quad two-way features up 3/5 of a mile range, and two-way confirmation for lock, unlock and start. His son would have plenty of range to start the vehicle at school and know that it was running or if the doors were locked.
Tom and his son dropped the vehicle off for the day and when they came back, Doug went over all of the operation.
If you would like a keyless entry and remote start in your vehicle, just contact the experts at ENORMIS.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.