Clayton and Susan are Corry, Pa residents. They were having electrical issues with Susan’s 2014 Chevy Cruze. In more detail, Susan’s radio and backup camera in her car were not powering on. So, Clayton being somewhat handy, checked the fuse for the radio. He found that it was blown! After that, Clayton installed a new fuse and it instantly blew again. Wisely, Clayton knew that there was more of an issue going on. So, he trusted ENORMIS Mobile Specialties to give the Chevy Cruze an electrical diagnosis.
Cruze Electrical Diagnosis Starts in the Rear
Clayton called the store and spoke with Doug Reichert, our Innovation Specialist about the problem. Clayton told Doug that the issue started shortly after his wife was involved in a rear end collision. Doug told Clayton that if the fuse was blowing immediately after replacement there must be a serious issue. So, Doug and Clayton scheduled an appointment where Clayton could drop the vehicle off at the store. After that, he could go to work in Erie.
MECP Certified Technician Looks at Chevy Cruze
The diagnosis was assigned to MECP Certified technician Art Dougan. Under these circumstances, Art scanned the vehicle for trouble codes. He did this by, using our factory level GM computer tool. After retrieving the trouble codes and having a starting point, Art retrieved the electrical schematic for the vehicle. Upon visual inspection, Art found that the radio, backup camera, and heater controls were all non responsive. In fact, the vehicle dashboard displayed a “service blindspot system” message. That was because, Art found that the rear blindspot system was on the same circuit as the radio, backup camera, and heater controls. So, Art continued his diagnostic by unplugging the rear blind spot alert system and installing a new fuse. After that, the fuse did not blow.
Technician Narrows Down the Electrical Problem
Art now knew that the blind spot system was the issue. As a result, he removed the rear bumper. Art then inspected modules and wiring. After that, he found a lot of corrosion. That explained why the fuse kept blowing. So, Doug called Clayton with an estimate to repair the damaged sensors. Clayton approved the repair and told Doug to keep the car until the parts came in rather than re-assembling the vehicle. Doug ordered an updated repair kit from GM that included the parts needed. Also, it included a new wiring harness and protective covers to prevent the corrosion from happening again in the future. Finally, Art installed the new module kit the following afternoon and programmed the modules to the vehicle with the GM computer tool.
Cruze Electrical Repair is a Success
Clayton retrieved the vehicle the following day. The Cruze now had a working radio, heater controls, backup camera and blind spot monitoring system. As a final note, today’s cars require modern diagnostics and up-to-date training. Trust your vehicle’s electrical issues to Erie, Pa’s Automotive Electrical EXPERTS!
Click here to contact us for your vehicle. We are located in Harborcreek, just a little east of Erie, PA. We are nowhere near New Jersey.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.