A local dealership needed a factory-style remote start and they needed it done ASAP. Who do they call? The automotive electrical experts at ENORMIS, of course.
The new owner of this 2019 Grand Cherokee wanted a remote start installed before taking possession of his new Jeep from the dealership. Our remote start expert Tony Horton contacted ENORMIS Operations Manager Mike Macaluso, and got this 2019 Grand Cherokee in quickly for an ENORMIS Factory Startv5.
It’s a new vehicle. ENORMIS used a custom harness specifically designed to work in a 2019 Jeep vehicle that has no extra remote controls. How does it work? Pressing the Grand Cherokee lock button three times remotely starts the vehicle, and runs the heat for 25 minutes. The vehicle owner gets defrosted windows, warmth and comfort in another Erie, PA, winter.
If you would like a remote start for your vehicle, just contact the experts at ENORMIS.