In northwest PA, having a remote start is a “must-have” for many. So, Erie resident Ron B. stopped in and spoke with our remote start specialist Tony Horton about his options.
2019 Toyota Rav4 Wiring Not Altered
Ron recently purchased a 2019 Toyota RAV4 that his wife would be driving. Tony explained to Ron how the technology in high-quality remote starts has changed from Ron’s first remote start way back in 2005. In contrast, electronics manufacturers now engineer remote starts that are specific to the vehicle make and model. On top of that, these new systems require little to no alteration to the factory wiring. Not all remote start shops embrace this new technology. But, ENORMIS believes strongly in using the highest quality and latest technology in remote car starters.
The Toyota has Remote Start Options
Tony asked where Ron’s wife would use the remote start. Because of that, they decided that the ENORMIS vehicle-specific Factory Start with the 1/2 mile Ataqan two-way remote control was the best option. With this remote control, she will be able to remote start her vehicle from very far away. Also, she can lock the vehicle from up to a 1/2 mile away! (Have you ever forgotten to lock your doors?). A one-way secondary remote is also included as a backup. If that wasn’t enough, she can also use her factory Toyota fob to start the vehicle! She can do that by pressing the lock button three times. However, the factory Toyota remote’s range is limited to about 75 feet.
An MECP Tech Properly Installs the Remote Start
Tony set up a date for Ron to drop off the RAV4. Once dropped off, Ken Whiteman got to work. Ken is one of our MECP-certified technicians. Because of his experience, he had the remote start programmed and installed that same day. Afterwards, Ron came to pick up the vehicle. But before Ron could take the vehicle Tony went over the remote start functions with him. That way, he could instruct his wife later that evening.
If you would like a high quality and dependable remote start, just contact the electrical experts of Erie, PA ! We are just a little east of Erie in Harborcreek!
This post was provided by Tony Horton. Go ahead, call him! Tony has been in electronics retail since 1988. He’s a people person with sales and service electronics experience.
Tony has a long-standing reputation for integrity and excellence. His hobbies include home improvement, biking, and music.