A car dealership was in a bind. That’s because, they had a customer interested in a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado, but the buyer wanted Satellite Radio. It was important. In fact, the deal hinged on it. So, they called the experts at ENORMIS. Our Service Manager Mike Macaluso, is very familiar with the Chevrolet trucks. Because of that, Mike offered to do the research on the 2020 Silverado Sat radio. Mike took some information on the truck, did the research, and found a solution!
2020 Silverado Sat Radio Requires Dealership-level Programming
ENORMIS does a lot of GM diagnostic and repair work. So, having the right programming tools are essential. In light of that, we own the Dealership-level GM programming tools, and our Operations Manager is a wizard with these tools. In fact, Mike’s research determined that a 100% OEM SiriusXM Module could be installed and programmed. That way the 2020 Silverado Sat Radio will work with the existing touchscreen radio. So, Mike called the dealership to advise them. After that, the installation was approved. An appointment was set for the next day, so the customer could have his truck back as soon as possible.
GM Programming Adds SiriusXm Icon to Screen
With the GM Satellite Tuner now arrived, the installation was handed over to MECP Certified Tech Ken Whiteman. Ken completed the physical installation in a few short hours. With the physical equipment installed, Mike took over and worked his programming magic. In detail, Mike programmed the SAT Radio Module for that particular truck. By doing that, the vehicle now knows it has SAT radio. In fact, it’s just like it has been there the whole time! After completing the programming, Mike added the Icon to the tuner screen. So now, the SiriusXM tuner shows the music category, channel, even artist and song title on screen. The customer can now select channels by direct number, program in his favorite channels, and even blend those favorite channels with his favorite AM/FM channels. No need to switch modes or bands to listen to his favorites!
Dave, the new vehicle owner, picked up the vehicle from ENORMIS directly. That way, we could go over the complete operation of the SiriusXM tuner. This assured he was comfortable in using it. Actually, Dave was in disbelief that we were able to add it after the fact. That’s because, he thought it had to come with the truck originally. He was very happy with the results, and happy to have his SiriusXm SAT radio back!
This post was provided by Tony Horton. Go ahead, call him! Tony has been in electronics retail since 1988. He’s a people person with sales and service electronics experience.
Tony has a long-standing reputation for integrity and excellence. His hobbies include home improvement, biking, and music.