A first-time ENORMIS Mobile Specialties client and Corry, PA, resident filled out our Online Remote Start Inquiry recently.
Tammy was interested in a remote start with decent range, but did not need anything long-range. Doug Reichert, our integration specialist, quickly responded to Tammy’s e-mail with all of her options. Tammy decided to go with the OE Start 2/10 mile mini one-way remote start and was able to schedule the installation with Doug. She is busy, so we did all this through the convenience of e-mail. Upon dropping off the vehicle, Tammy changed her mind and upgraded to our Ataqan 6/10 mile range remote start with two-way confirmation.
We assigned MECP-certified technician Chris Brown to the installation. He was able to use the Jeep-specific OE start installation harness. Most of the wiring seamlessly connected with the Jeep’s electrical system. Tammy can also start the vehicle by pressing the lock button on her Jeep remote three times for short-range starts, but we also added the Ataqan 6/10 mile range remote kit to extend the range and provide two-way confirmation for the remote start and on lock and unlock functions. She will always be in the know.
If you would like the awesome comfort and convenience that a remote car starter provides, just contact us here or call ENORMIS.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.