An Edinboro, PA, resident and first-time ENORMIS Mobile Specialties customer brought her 2018 Toyota Camry in for a remote start. Barbara had heard of our reputation as Erie’s remote start experts, and we delivered on our reputation.
Barbara chose our Ataqan two-way remote start, one of our most-popular models, with a 1/2 mile of range and two-way confirmation.A one-half mile of range to start your car? Yep.
The Ataqan two-way allows Barbara to start her vehicle and lock and unlock the doors from a small and convenient remote with one button. Once the car has started, the remote control will flash a light and beep to notify her that the car is outside and getting warm. The remote will also let her know if her doors are locked even when she can’t see her car. How cool is that?
Ken Whiteman, one of our MECP-certified professional installers, made sure that the engine remains running while she:
– Opens her door
– Puts her key in the ignition
– Presses the brake pedal
This is called takeover. With the Ataqan two-way remote starter, Barbara can start her vehicle and know that it is outside running without looking out the window. Also, no worries: No one can take the car unless they have the Toyota Camry key.
If you would like a professionally installed remote start for your vehicle, just contact ENORMIS.