If you have grown up near the shores of Lake Erie, you know what the winters can be like. The owner of this 2017 Kia Sedona wanted to have the comfort, convenience and quality of an ENORMIS Remote car starter.
The remote control for the Sedona already has six buttons on it and this owner wanted something simple. Because of that, our Product Specialist, Tony Horton, suggested our Mini 1 Way v5 remote car starter. Simplicity is this system’s middle name. It has one button and after the client pushes it, the Kia will respond by turning on its parking lights. After a brief safety check, the vehicle will start.
Once the vehicle starts, the heater or AC is activated and the engine will run for approximately 20 mins. If the engine happens to shut off, the owner can push the button again and re-start the 20 min. timer. Sometimes we need extra time to melt that ice and snow up here!
If you would like the comfort, convenience and quality of an ENORMIS Remote car starter just contact us.