A local Ford dealership was having an issue with a customer’s 2012 Ford F-150 instrument cluster. The problem was, the cluster was offline and not reporting the mileage, speed, gasoline, or any other readings! To make matters worse, the dealer had already sent the F-150 instrument cluster out for repair. But, when the dealer plugged the instrument cluster back in, it still did not work. So, The dealer contacted ENORMIS for help with the issue and spoke with Doug Reichert, our Integration Specialist. Doug said, sure we do a F-150 Cluster Repair! Because of that, the dealer said great and dropped the truck off later that afternoon for our MECP certified technician’s to determine the issue.
MECP Certified Tech Performs F-150 Cluster Repair
MECP certified technician Ken Whiteman and our operations manager Mike Macaluso tested for communication with the instrument cluster through the vehicle communication network. Because of that, we determined that the all the vehicle wiring and data harnesses were intact and providing the correct information to the F-150 cluster. So, we determined that the issue was still the cluster. After that, Ken removed the instrument cluster and dis-assembled to inspect the printed circuit board. Ken and Mike discovered that the PCB board had a defective part. This part had not been repaired or replaced. So, Mike ordered the appropriate parts and replaced the parts for the cluster. Once the parts were replaced and the solder joints reflowed, Ken plugged the cluster in and checked the operation.
Contact Erie’s Electrical Experts for Electrical Repair
To be certain the F-150 cluster repair was a success, Ken test drove the vehicle to make sure the mileage was counting and that the cluster was functioning properly. If you need the electrical system or the associated parts repaired, contact the pros at ENORMIS Mobile Specialties.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.