The customer loved the new 2019 Ram 2500 and its options. But, wanted a remote start for those cold Corry, PA, winter mornings. But Guess what? RAM does not offer an accessory remote start on this Ram truck! Either the 2019 RAM 2500 comes with a remote start from the factory or it doesn’t. So, a local RAM truck dealer needed help with a remote start to close the sale on a brand-new 2019 Ram 2500 push-to-start pickup truck.
RAM specialist Eddie called the store and explained the situation to Doug Reichert, our integration specialist. Doug explained to Eddie that ENORMIS can install a remote start. Not only that but, but ENORMIS can install a remote that uses the existing RAM key fobs. So, Eddie was happy to know that the 2019 Ram 2500 qualified for a vehicle-specific remote start.
2019 Ram 2500 Remote Start gets seamless integration
Using the vehicle-specific remote start does a few things! #1, Ram specific remote start software installed. #2, No Ram wire modification. #3, No extra remote controls to carry! So, this system allows the factory Ram key fobs to operate remote starter. Not only that, but guarantees a completely seamless and integrated installation into the vehicle’s existing wiring. Eddie called his customer with the good news. Eddie got the RAM2500 to ENORMIS the next day. MECP-certified technician Art Dougan performed the installation swiftly. Because of that, Eddie was able to deliver the RAM 2500 truck that afternoon.
So, if you want a high-quality remote start integrated seamlessly into your new vehicle, just fill out our remote start quote form and we will get the process started.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.