Here’s what happens years later after car headlights are modified to look “cool.” Marshall, a first-time customer from McKean, PA, is the owner of this 2008 Acura TL. The headlamps had seen better days. That’s because, the headlamp assemblies had been unsealed and modified in the past. What happened was, someone had added LED halo-style rings. Also, the Acura wiring was modified because someone wanted an updated look with HID and LED bulbs in both the headlamps and fog lights. They did that because it may have been the “cool”thing to do.
Headlamps and Wiring Inspected on Acura TL
In our opinion, It’s never a good idea to open car headlamps. That’s because, that can introduce condensation and water into them. And, that’s exactly what happened here. The bulbs started failing, and corrosion began to spread throughout the headlamps and poor-quality wiring assemblies.
Marshall came to ENORMIS and spoke with Tony Horton. That was good because, Tony has seen headlamp issues like this in the past. So, Tony asked Marshall if he could leave the vehicle for a few days. He asked this so we could see how much damage had been done. So, we removed the front bumper and headlamps. (yes, we had to remove the front bumper), After that, we found corrosion. In fact we found a lot of it. Actually, it was in the wiring connections that were not weather-protected. We also found corroded grounds and crumbling sealant. The sealant was used where the headlamps had been put back together.
New Headlamps and Wiring Repairs Suggested
After the discovery of issues, Tony called Marshall to alert him to the condition of the headlamps and wiring. Tony highly recommended that ENORMIS replace the headlamp assemblies with NEW headlight assemblies. Furthermore he suggested a complete repair of all the necessary wiring and connectors. After hearing this, Marshall agreed. So, we ordered the necessary parts and the car was placed in the workload.
MECP Technician Makes Repairs
MECP Certified Technician Chris Brown removed all the bad wiring and connections and properly repaired all wiring. When the new headlamp assemblies arrived, Chris installed them without issue. Also, Chris repaired a rear marker lamp assembly.In the end, the car looked like it did when it was brand new!
Marshall picked up his 2008 Acura TL at the end of the week and was thrilled with the results. Crystal-clear headlamps, fully functional fog lamps and all exterior lighting were now functional. His next upgrade? He asked about a remote start for those cold winter days.
If you need the automotive electrical experts to get your car or truck repaired, just click here for more information.
This post was provided by Tony Horton. Go ahead, call him! Tony has been in electronics retail since 1988. He’s a people person with sales and service electronics experience.
Tony has a long-standing reputation for integrity and excellence. His hobbies include home improvement, biking, and music.
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