James, a West Millcreek resident, called our store looking for a remote starter for his wife’s 2018 Subaru Outback. Doug Reichert, our integration specialist, was happy to help James and explained all the remote starters available for the vehicle. Since the vehicle was a push-to-start Subaru with an already-large remote key fob for the vehicle, Doug recommended the ENORMIS Factory Start v5. She would be able to start the car with the Subaru remote — but the range would be limited to about 100 ft.
Doug said that for a few extra dollars, he could add some optional small long-range remotes. These optional remotes add about 8x the range of the Subaru remote. Once the vehicle was remotely started, James and his wife would still be able to drive it without having to re-start the car. (Many cheaper remote starts will shut off the engine once the door opens.)
ENORMIS will only install the most up-to-date software and hardware, for the most-integrated installation. James arranged to take the vehicle in for an “oil change” in the morning and instead dropped it with ENORMIS for the afternoon, while his wife was at work. MECP-certified technician Chris Brown was tasked with the installation.
When James took delivery of the vehicle after we worked on it, Doug showed James how to use the remote start with the Subaru key fob and optional remotes. As a final touch, Doug handed James the remotes in a gift box with a nice little bow on top.
Click here to get a price on a professionally installed remote start in your new push-to-start vehicle.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.