A returning client, who happens to be a car dealer from 1.5 hours away, recently brought us another vehicle! This 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk needed heated seats. We removed the seat assemblies from the vehicle and installed heated seat electronics.
This returning client likes our attention to detail. We didn’t want to disappoint them with our switch location for the heated seats. We mounted the switches in front of the shifter with easy access for both the driver and the passenger.
The 2015 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk is also the perfect candidate for our “factory start” system. Although not installed at the time of this writing, the factory start system will allow the user to start the vehicle with the factory Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk remote control. Additional remote start controls can even be added to the factory start system to achieve extended range and greater performance.
If you are interested in a remote car starter or heated seats for your car or truck, contact us here.