If you are interested in getting a remote car starter installed, Enormis Mobile Specialties should be on your short list of stores to visit. We employ a whole team of remote starter experts. That includes MECP certified technicians. We are committed to giving you a system that will be dependable and reliable for years to come. Not only that but, we also bring performance that maximizes your remote start experience.
Remote Starter Range
When clients are in our store to look at remote starters, the topic of range always comes up. Clients who have never owned a remote starter always tell us, “I am only going to use it to start from the kitchen window”. So, they think range is unimportant. We agree, it will be used to start a vehicle from home. But, here is where range gets important. Once a person goes out to a warmed-up vehicle one time, they are hooked. They will never want to deal with a cold car again. Customers that have spent the extra dollars will say, “I use it at work, at church, at the bowling alley, at the club, in fact, I use it everywhere!”
How Much Range Do You Need?
Now, you may be asking yourself, “How much range do I really need?” That’s a good question. We suggest that our clients think about all the places where their vehicles will sit over the course of an average week. After that consideration, buy enough range to start it from those places. Sometimes it is not about range. But, it may be about interference. Do you find yourself around a lot of electronics? Or, are you inside a large building? Hospitals, and grocery stores and large office buildings need more remote starter range. Persons that work at our local GE, Wabtek, Hamot, St. Vincent, LECOM,or maybe a large office complex like Erie Insurance will often require a lot of extra range. Also keep in mind, you will remote start your vehicle when you are out to eat, or at the end of a movie, or when leaving a sporting event.
A Remote Starter will become part of your routine
We think a remote starter is one of the nicest “convenience” items you can put in a vehicle. In fact, many clients will come into the store in a panic if their remote start is not working and it is cold outside. They tell us, they didn’t realize how much they had gotten used to having a warm car to get into. (And, just so you know, the vast majority of the time, that remote starter usually just needs new batteries for the remote control. We can handle that for you as well.)
Visit Enormis in Harborcreek for your Remote Starter
We hope that this has given you some good information about how much range to buy for your new remote car starter. Now all you need to do is stop by Enormis Mobile Specialties with your vehicle and speak to one of our remote start experts. They will work one on one with you to design and install the system that will best fit your needs. We are located just outside of Erie, Pa in Harborcreek.
You can also contact us here for more information about our remote starters, or any of our products and services.
Hi,2011 Toyota Camry, could you give an idea of price for a remote start long range ,looking at Christmas gift, Thanks for your time,
Sure can! We do a lot of Remote Starts as gifts! In fact we even have gift boxes that we can place the remote controls in for that special person.
Please submit a contact form to us with all the information we need to get you some ideas of pricing! Click Here!