Check out this one: Tim from North East, PA, was perfectly happy with the remote starter we installed for him a few years ago. Recently, he took his Audi in for routine service and the dealership got him into a brand-new 2018 Audi Q5. There was one problem: His new Q5 needed a remote starter. He wanted what he had in his previous remote start: simplicity and long-range control. He also wanted the remote control to notify him that the Audi was indeed outside running.
Our 6/10 mile range Ataqan v5 2-way remote start system fit the bill perfectly. A 3-second push starts the Audi and notifies Tim. A 1-second push locks the Audi and notifies Tim. A 2-tap push unlocks the Audi and notifies Tim. The factory Audi remote keyfob still works as normal, too.
If you would like the MECP professionals at ENORMIS Mobile Specialties to install a high-quality remote start for you, just ask.