Brad, a repeat ENORMIS Mobile Specialties customer and West Erie resident, called our integration specialist, Doug Reichert, and wanted to know about adding a long-range remote start to his wife’s 2018 Nissan Murano. The Murano came with a factory remote start, but did not have very good range. Brad’s wife said, “I have to be so close to start it that I might as well just get in.”
Brad chose the 1/2 mile range two-way confirming Ataqan remote start. The Ataqan offers his wife long-distance reliability and two-way confirmation. That means when the vehicle is remote started, the remote has an alert that will flash and chime, letting his wife “know that the vehicle is running. The Ataqan also has lock and unlock confirmation from the one button. If Brad’s wife wants to know that her Murano is locked, all she has to do is press the button once. To unlock the vehicle, she presses the button twice. To start the vehicle, she will press and hold for about 4 seconds.
MECP-certified technician Chris Brown installed the new long-range remote start. He used the Nissan-specific wire harness for the installation. That means no cut wires and no splicing for a seamless install.
When Brad and his wife came to pick the vehicle up, she was ecstatic to be able to start her vehicle from work and actually know the vehicle is running. No more walking to the vehicle, remote starting it, then walking back to her office to wait for it to warm up.
If you would like more information about a remote car starter, contact the experts at ENORMIS.
This post was provided by Doug Reichert. Call him! Doug has been in the automotive service business since 2001. In his free time, Doug likes working outside in his yard and enjoys exercising. Doug is active in his community by volunteering at his church and for several nonprofits.